Little trains

  Urskog-Hølandsbanen is a narrow-gauge (750mm) museal railway line built in 1896 between Sørumsand and Skulerud. Closed for traffic in 1960, the final 3,2km are kept for historic museum purposes. Every sunday through the summer, as well as during the christmas holiday, a group of volunteer enthusiasts runs a steam …


  I recently exhibited theese three photographs in the Oslo Students Photo Club members exhibition, themed “Everyday”. The exhibition was open to broad interpretations, but I did a quite literal take on my thoughts and concernes throughout my workday. Infrastructure is a wierd thing. People take it for granted when …

Travelogue: The faces of Arles

I usually have pictures in my mind when choosing a holiday destination. During the summer other obligations take a break and free up time and mind space for photography. Going on the type of holiday where you lie around at the beach for a week is not an option, unless …

Hundred thousand faces

Being a photographer is a great rush sometimes, and I have to push some personal boundaries to get the picture. For instance, for an introvert walking up to the edge of a stage, and looking out over a sea of 70’000 people looking back at me, is somewhat of a …

Scouting by air

Having been a scout all my life, moving into photographing for the norwegian scouts came naturally. This year was no different, as I went to shoot the YMCA-YWCA quadrennial scout jamboree in Asker. It is always interesting to see something from a new point of view, and my recent addition …


    I’m touring with VG-Lista this summer, a job that offers a lot of travelling to different cities in Norway. Last night I was in Trondheim, and managed to find time to fly my newly aquired Phantom drone by the Nidarosdomen cathedral as the sun was setting. This is …