“I think Newton will disagree with you there”
Arendal, december 2013. On assignment for Rejlers AB.
Arendal, december 2013. On assignment for Rejlers AB.
Vigelandsparken, Oslo, september 2013.
Yasiin Bey aka. Mos Def performing in Betong, Chateu Neuf, Oslo, october 2013. PS: I can’t help it: I watched the 2005 version of Hithhikers Guide to the Galaxy before turning fan and reading the Douglas Adams books twice. Mos Def in the role of Ford Prefect was singed into …
Up above candles on air flickerOh they flicker and they flowAnd I am up here holding on to all those chandeliers of hopeAnd like some drunken in this cityI go singing out of tune Copenhagen, october 2012. Words from “Christmas Lights” by Coldplay.
Sense of Grey by CF Salicath | Make Your Own Book
Norwegian Museum of Science and Technology, Oslo, October 2013
Moddi, Rockefeller, october 2013. Today Moddi releases his third studio album; “Kæm va du?” on Impeller Records. Yesterday, he played a sold out gig at Rockefeller. Theese are two out of 13 digital files I shot during the show, you (and I) are just going to have to wait for the analogue ones for more. http://www.platekompaniet.no/Musikk.aspx/Artist/Moddi/?id=00074725www.moddi.no
Treehouse Shopping-mall parking lot Oslo, september 2013
Barcelona, Catalunya, september 2013