
The Bergen line, crossing the mountains between Hønefoss and Bergen, is a spectacular trip any day. This september, I got of the train at Hallingskeid, midway on the line, and walked the distance to Myrdal to document the line.                       …

Little trains part II

Some time ago i posted a few pictures from Urskog-Hølandsbanen, a museal railway out of Sørumsand, near Oslo, Norway. Since then, I have joined the ranks of the volunteers running the railway, and have started photographing them. With time, I hope to be a boilerman and then a driver of …

The train that goes nowhere, except back in time

  “There is nothing stronger than the heart of a volunteer”, it is said. I have photographed volunteers in a lot of different settings, mostly in culture and music. This last month I have joined a small group of people running a museum railway, providing exciting steam train trips for …