The train pulls up the hills towards Løten
This is a photo documentary about the oldest train in Norway. . Heading the train is the class 2, #17 engine “Caroline”, produced by the british Stephenson engineering company in 1861. On occasion the train leaves its home depot at Hamar station to take travelers back in time to recreates the 1860s way of travel.

Roar, the driver, and Tore, the stoker, looks back and awaits a signal to start shunting the train

Roar hops onto the plattform at the turn-around station Elverum, after checking on the engine.


Local crew from CargoNet helps out turning the engine before the return trip to Hamar

Tore sees to the machine before the return trip, making sure there is enough grease on the many moving parts of the steam engine

Heading towards Hamar

New meets old. A class 92 diesel motor-unit from Røros arrives besides “Caroline”

Roar does the final chores before the steam engine can be put into the shed. One of the tasks is to empty the ashes from the fire box, meaning he has to get under the engine to clean it out properly. No task for those afraid of getting their hands dirty.

The silhouette of Roar is cast onto the front wall drivers cabin
Hamar-Elverum, march 10th 2018.